New NBCPA website and branding

This week we have launched our new website, our new logo and branding materials. This is huge, really huge and we are so glad to be sharing our new look with you.

The NBCPA was launched 18 years ago and we have evolved since then. Quite a lot actually. So it’s only fitting that our brand reflects who we are today.


National Black Crown Prosecution Association (NBCPA) at CPS

New logo

We have used our old logo for as long as we can remember and we felt it needed a refresh. Our new logo gives a fresh feel to our NBCPA brand.

See below for our new logo on the left and a reminder of what our our old logo looked like is on the right.


National Black Crown Prosecutors Association Logo
Old NBCPA logo

New website

Our new website has a clean and colourful design and is fully responsive across different devices. We are so proud of our new website and how it is bringing us closer towards our vision of being a more modern NBCPA.

Additionally, we have introduced new sections like the Inspire section which will feature interviews with senior leaders across the CPS and criminal justice system as well as the Organise an Event section where our members are encouraged to organise their own events for the network.

New social media headers

Our new social media headers incorporates our brand colours and has a clear call-to-action along with the NBCPA website link. Hope you like them as much as we do. Make sure you’re following us on Twitter and Linkedin, if you are not already.

National Black Crown Prosecution Association Linkedin header

What do you think of our new website and branding?

 We would love to hear what you think of our new website and branding. What do you like the most and what can be improved? Share your views below.

NBCPA, c/o Crown Prosecution Service, 102 Petty France, London SW1H 9EA. Contact NBCPA

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