NBCPA law discovery sessions

NBCPA Legal discovery sessions - 28/11 & 05/12As part of the NBCPA training strategy and delivery plan, we will be hosting a series of law discovery sessions on Bad Character Evidence – The Legal Framework.

Steven Perian QC, recognised in the legal 500 as one of the leading QC’s in crime for London, will deliver the sessions on the following dates:

28 NOV 10AM TO 2PM
CPS West Midlands, Colmore Gate,
2 Colmore Row, Birmingham B3 2QA


Office Of the Attorney General,
5-8 The Sanctuary, London, SW1P 3JS

Both events are free but registration is required. You will need the event password to register. If you are an NBCPA member, you will receive the password by email on Monday 14 October.

If you are not a member of the NBCPA and you would like to attend, contact the NBCPA.

to register for the Birmingham event.

to register for the London event.

NBCPA, c/o Crown Prosecution Service, 102 Petty France, London SW1H 9EA. Contact NBCPA

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