Bad Character Evidence sessions – Nov and Dec 2019

Steven Perrian QC leads NBCPA's Bad Character training

Steven Perian QC, recognised in the legal 500 as one of the leading QC’s in crime for London, delivered two sessions on Bad Character Evidence – The Legal Framework in Birmingham on 28 November and in London on 5 December.

In both sessions, Steven Perian QC took the delegates through the legislation and case law about bad character evidence, giving real and personal examples, and answering questions from the audience.

Dolores Barrett, Senior District Crown Prosecutor and previous Chair of the NBCPA, opened the Birmingham session.

Dolores stressed how valuable the opportunity was to learn from an expert in the field. The Birmingham session had over 20 delegates ranging from senior crown advocates to paralegal staff.

The Office of the Attorney General kindly hosted the London event for over 40 delegates, and Ed Beltrami, Chief Crown Prosecutor for CPS London North, opened the event. He gave an overview of the importance of training and development, and also provided delegates with a short synopsis of the challenges bad character evidence presents to advocates.

Here are some more photos from both Bad Character Evidence events.

Steven Perrian QC leads NBCPA's Bad Character training

Steven Perrian QC leads NBCPA's Bad Character training


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