Become a member of the NBCPA, the CPS’s Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic staff network.

NBCPA members - group of women

The NBCPA provides a strong voice for diversity and inclusion within the CPS. Since joining the NBCPA, I have been involved in exciting and influential projects.

Full membership of the National Black Crown Prosecution Association (NBCPA) is open to all serving employees of the CPS and other prosecuting civil service departments in the United Kingdom of an African, African-Caribbean, Asian, mixed or other minority ethnic origin.

Associate membership of the NBCPA is open to staff who do not fall within the definition of BAME but whose aims are compatible with or supportive of the aim of the NBCPA.

Associate membership shall also be open to those organisations whose aims are compatible with or supportive of the aims of the NBCPA.

All members are encouraged to participate in its programmes and activities.

The NBCPA relies upon the voluntary work provided by its members and supporters which are carried out on top of their full time roles to enable the delivery of our programme of activities provided for the benefit of members and CPS as a whole.

As a member of the NBCPA, you will benefit from:

  • Support, information and guidance
  • Personal development and mentoring
  • Networking and sharing of experience
  • Opportunity to learn new skills and attend training sessions
  • Be part of a supportive staff network
  • Supportive environment to discuss and address issues
  • Get advice and support in the event of difficulties at work.

ready to join the NBCPA?

We welcome new members. Click the button below to complete our online form.
NBCPA, c/o Crown Prosecution Service, 102 Petty France, London SW1H 9EA. Contact NBCPA

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